Showing 1-8 of 8 results

A promise is a promise - lifetime agreement removes testamentary freedom

A promise to make a Will favouring children of a deceased’s first marriage has been held by the court to create a binding obligation, removing the deceased’s testamentary freedom
25 July 2023

Fraudulent calumny and poisoning a testator’s mind

The court has set aside a Will because the testator’s mind had been poisoned against one child in favour of another
02 November 2022

Burges Salmon Arbitration Basics: ad hoc vs institutional arbitration

This article sets out the key considerations for the parties when choosing whether to opt for an ad hoc or an institutional arbitration
14 October 2022

Burges Salmon Arbitration Basics: arbitration vs litigation

In this article, we look at some of the key issues to consider when choosing arbitration as compared to litigation
27 September 2022

Burges Salmon Arbitration Basics: Key ingredients for the Arbitration Agreement

This article identifies the hallmarks of arbitration as a dispute resolution process and why it is an attractive option for parties to consider when drafting their agreements
16 August 2022

The taxation of payments under interim relief orders

In MT v HMRC, the FTT held that a payment made to a person who has made a protected disclosure pursuant to an order for interim relief under s.129 should be exempt from tax up to the £30,000 threshold.

18 August 2014

HMRC anti-avoidance task-force – tackling “hidden wealth” in London

HM Revenue & Customs' HMRC has recently announced a task-force targeting “hidden wealth” in London and East Anglia.
25 February 2014

Mehjoo v Harben Barker - an interesting case on professional negligence

The extensive judgment in Mehjoo v Harben Barker includes an extremely detailed analysis of the competing rights and obligations of accountants and their clients in respect of tax advice. 
08 August 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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