Showing 229-240 of 2230 results

What does the Provider Selection Regime mean for remedies and dispute resolution?

We examine the implications of DHSC’s new proposals for remedies and enforcement relating to procurements of healthcare services
17 July 2023

Managing the costs of Subsidy Control Act appeals

The Court of Appeal has set out principles that will influence the scope, costs and cost risk of subsidy decision appeals under the Subsidy Control Act 2022
13 July 2023

The next privacy shield? EU approves EU-US Data Privacy Framework

In this article, we discuss the key points of the long-awaited EU-US Data Privacy Framework as well as what it means for organisations based in the UK
13 July 2023

What does the recent section 37 judgment mean for amendments to contracted-out DB benefits

We consider the recent High Court judgment in Virgin Media Ltd v NTL Pension Trustees II Ltd and what it may mean for amendments made to contracted-out schemes
12 July 2023

Environmental Outcome Reports: the replacement of EU assessment regimes

A brief guide to the UK Government consultation on Environmental Outcome Reports, launched on 17 March 2023
12 July 2023

Preparing Local Nature Recovery Strategies

An update on Local Nature Recovery Strategies introduced by the Environment Act 2021 and described in DEFRA’s recent statutory guidance and policy paper
05 July 2023

Similarity of signs and indirect confusion: UKIPO and EUIPO reach differing views on similarity in Asics oppositions

Asics successfully relied on its ‘swirl’ mark to oppose a UK application for a mark depicting a football made up of multiple similar swirls but was unsuccessful in its EU opposition, with the EUIPO finding the same signs dissimilar
05 July 2023

Spotify fined €5 million by Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection for breach of the GDPR

We examine the SAPP’s recent fine against Spotify and what this means for organisations going forward
04 July 2023

The Future of Medical Devices Regulations

The legislative and regulatory changes that are expected to be put in place by the MHRA are hoped to maintain the UK's momentum as a strong market competitor in the medical devices industry
26 June 2023

The family business – the business of family. Legal risks when separating couples also work together.

This article considers some of the key legal risks when separating couples also work together in a business, with a focus on the employment and family law considerations
23 June 2023

Transparency in the Family Courts

This article considers the Transparency Implementation Group’s Report on transparency in the Financial Remedies Court
22 June 2023

Tesco v Lidl - Tesco’s use of yellow circle on blue background found to infringe Lidl’s brand

Lidl has successfully sued Tesco for trade mark and copyright infringement and passing off in the UK in relation to Tesco’s use of a series of signs for its ‘Clubcard’ promotions, despite the Court finding that some of the marks relied on by Lidl were filed in bad faith
13 June 2023

The Burges Salmon blog

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