Showing 133-144 of 216 results

JCT 2016 Edition: what does the Minor Works Contract tell us about what's in store?

The remaining tranches of the JCT 2016 Edition seem likely to be published in short order. We review the Minor Works suite and highlight key themes which look set to run throughout.
28 September 2016

Is domestic arbitration set for a resurgence?

Domestic arbitration has been overtaken by adjudication and the efficiency of the TCC. With uncertainty over Brexit and the increased cost of litigation is arbitration set for resurgence?
28 September 2016

NEC3 Activity Schedules: get them right or suffer the pain

Activity Schedules under the NEC3 forms of contract – there's more to them than meets the eye. A failure to understand their subtleties can lead to confusion and serious cash flow implications.
28 September 2016

Does the Thames Tideway Tunnel show the way for post-Brexit infrastructure funding?

Brexit raised concerns about the future funding of infrastructure. We consider whether the innovative Thames Tideway Tunnel funding model shows the way for the delivery of other projects.
28 September 2016

The Project Bank Account: permanent fixture or passing trend?

During economic uncertainty, the construction industry (and government) often looks for ways to alleviate common payment problems on projects. Are Project Bank Accounts part of the answer?
28 September 2016

Costs in adjudication: can you recover using the Late Payment Act?

Does the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 provide a way of claiming costs in adjudication? The recent case of Lulu v Mulalley has reignited debate.
28 September 2016

IFRS 16 – avoid borrower defaults

Borrower debt levels are to increase following a change in accounting standards. What should lenders be doing now to avoid Events of Default being inadvertently triggered under facility agreements?
15 September 2016

Brexit: what next for real estate?

Will withdrawal from the EU change UK real estate transactions?
06 July 2016

Developer fined £100k for building contractor’s watercourse pollution

On 18 May 2016 housing developer Miller Homes Ltd was fined £100,000 by Leeds Crown Court for its involvement in the pollution of a watercourse near Huddersfield. 
23 May 2016

Assignment of lease to guarantor is void

The High Court in EMI Group Limited has followed non-binding comments in the Court of Appeal’s decision in K/S Victoria Street and decided that a tenant cannot assign a “new tenancy” to its guarantor.
30 March 2016

National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016 -2021

Chapter 11 “Housing and Regeneration” of last week's National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016 -2021 is of particular interest to the UK development market.
29 March 2016

Impact of new tax rules on BEPS?

New tax regulations dealing with the issue of BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) may have a disproportionate impact on the real estate development sector as they are implemented in the UK.
15 March 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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