Showing 13-24 of 83 results

CMA issues advice for new Digital Markets Unit to tackle competition issues

The CMA has published advice on the operation of a new Digital Markets Unit, with specific rules for firms with Strategic Market Status
23 December 2020

UK Government introduces new foreign direct investment regime

On 11 November 2020, the UK government published the long-awaited National Security and Investment Bill which introduces the UK’s first stand-alone FDI regime
17 November 2020

Distressed M&A: New foreign investment measures

In the latest of a series of articles concerning distressed M&A we consider the impact of foreign investment controls, including recent changes to the regime
22 September 2020

Distressed M&A – Merger control issues and the failing firm defence

In the latest of a series of articles concerning distressed M&A we examine the key UK merger control considerations
11 September 2020

Competition Law, Restraint of Trade and Restrictive Covenants in Real Estate Developments

The Supreme Court has taken the rare step of overturning a longstanding House of Lords precedent on restraint of trade, but what about competition law?
11 September 2020

Distressed M&A: Opportunities and pitfalls

Distressed transactions carry a number of additional risks and associated considerations which we will address in a series of articles, this being the first
02 September 2020

Google/Fitbit deal runs into competition issues

Competition and data authorities are increasingly using their powers over tech companies; Google/Fitbit is just one example
19 August 2020

Competition law: Spotlight on the musical instruments sector

The CMA has issued further fines against companies engaging in retail price maintenance in the musical instruments sector. We summarise the recent decisions

04 August 2020

CMA calls for new regulatory regime for digital search and social media providers

The CMA has recommended that the government creates a new regime to regulate online platforms funded by digital advertising
20 July 2020

Merger control - new foreign investment measures

The UK government has announced changes to the merger control regime, targeting foreign investment, in light of COVID-19 and wider national security concerns
30 June 2020

Accelerated M&A transactions and merger control issues during COVID-19

A summary of accelerated M&A merger control and regulatory issues during COVID-19, including the failing firm defence and foreign investment rules

17 June 2020

European Commission consults on new market investigation enforcement tool

The European Commission is seeking to broaden its competition law powers to undertake market investigations
12 June 2020
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