Showing 121-132 of 228 results

An overview of the Radioactive Contaminated Land Regime

This overview provides a brief explanation of the Radioactive Contaminated Land Regime and the key points to be aware of for landowners and organisations using radioactive substances.
09 November 2016

National Infrastructure Schemes – a multi-million pound opportunity for farmers?

A report by think tank Green Alliance and the National Trust proposes National Infrastructure Schemes, whereby farmers could be paid to reduce flood risks and increase water quality.
09 November 2016

The Paris Climate Change Agreement enters into force: what next?

The Paris Agreement marks the first time that governments have legally agreed to take measures to limit global temperature increases. 
04 November 2016

Air Quality: another High Court decision on government policy and powers

The High Court has ruled that the government's plans to address poor air quality do not do enough to meet the UK's legal obligations under EU law.  
03 November 2016

Clean Air Zones: The Experts' Opinions

UK Government is backing Clean Air Zones to solve poor air quality. We hosted a workshop with some of the UK's top air quality experts to examine the issues. Here are the key learning points.
31 October 2016

NHHR Water competition – shadow market opens

From April next year, non-household consumers will be able to choose and switch their water supplier without being required to use a minimum amount of water as is currently the case.  
20 October 2016

Definition of waste: Environment Agency closes doors on opinion service

The Environment Agency has quietly suspended its definition of waste panel leaving businesses out in the cold.
11 October 2016

REACH, chemicals regulation and the referendum vote

We consider the implications of the UK's referendum vote for the chemicals sector.
23 August 2016

New European Commission proposals on endocrine disruptors

The new regulatory definition of endocrine disruptors and other proposed amendments provokes strong reaction.
15 August 2016

ECHA publishes second five-year report on the operation of REACH and CLP 2016

The report includes commentary on the quality of registration dossiers, safety data sheets and nanomaterials. 
08 August 2016

BAT conclusions on waste water and waste gas from chemicals sector published

The BAT conclusions constitute a statement of Best Available Techniques on end-of-pipe waste water treatment, control of particulate matter emissions and whole effluent assessments.
08 August 2016

SVHCs in articles – significant guidance under development in Summer 2016

The ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 10 September 2015 on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in articles is still reverberating across the sector.
08 August 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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