Showing 145-156 of 209 results

If it looks like a KitKat… why perception alone isn’t enough for shape trade marks

As Nestlé loses its battle to register the 3D shape of its KitKat bar as a UK trade mark, we set out some practical tips for businesses wishing to register their products as shape marks.
26 June 2017

Brexit: IP in the UK and EU, post Article 50

We consider the potential implications for IP strategy in the UK and EU following the UK government's notification of invoking Article 50.  
05 April 2017

Brexit and bargains: what to look out for in Intellectual Property in 2017

Dispute Resolution Festive Forecast: today, Jeremy Dickerson and Jennifer Gibson look at upcoming issues in intellectual property.
20 December 2016


Concept – Autumn 2016

Welcome to the autumn 2016 edition of Concept, the news bulletin from Burges Salmon’s intellectual property team.
06 October 2016


Concept – Summer 2016

Welcome to the summer 2016 edition of Concept, the news bulletin from Burges Salmon’s intellectual property team.
01 July 2016

The impact of Brexit on intellectual property

The referendum has come and gone, Britain voted Brexit to leave the EU. What implications does this now have for intellectual property rights holders across the UK and EU?
24 June 2016


FAMR – a new approach to financial advice?

We report on the key recommendations published in the Financial Advice Market Review final report.
07 April 2016


General Themes from our RegTech Roundtable with the FCA

Following the FCA’s recent Call for Input on supporting the development of RegTech we give a high level overview of some of the key themes which arose from our roundtable discussion with the FCA.
08 March 2016


European Central Bank plans system for bank transfers by email address or phone number

Similar to the UK’s Paym, this would facilitate faster and easier Person-to-Person bank transfers with consumers exchanging phone numbers and allowing bank account details to remain secret.
08 March 2016


Concept ; Autumn 2015

Our latest IP bulletin looks at Community Trade Marks, the economic cost of IPR infringement, the trade mark status of LEGO figures and more. 
28 August 2015


Use it or lose it: A briefing on the Sofaworks case & implications for CTM

The High Court has found two Community Trade Marks owned by Sofa Workshop to be liable to be revoked for non-use and unenforceable in infringement proceedings. This briefing discusses the findings.
10 August 2015


OHIM held to have erred in assessing individual character of umbrella design

Dickerson and Gibson have co-authored an article in World Trademark Review Daily. This article first appeared on WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review -
06 July 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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