14 November 2022

Burges Salmon has featured on Sky TV’s programme, ‘The Pathway to Net Zero’, which focuses on the importance of decarbonising the UK economy and explores the different perspectives on the environmental challenges and solutions associated with businesses in the modern industrial climate.

Over the course of the 30-minute programme, Burges Salmon’s Net Zero experts discuss the firm’s own commitment to reaching Net Zero by 2026 and why that adds value to its our clients, along with supporting the latest energy innovations in the energy sector.

Michael Barlow, a partner at Burges Salmon and head of the firm's ESG team, says: “Burges Salmon has undertaken a significant amount of decarbonising work in the energy sector, but with the existing Net Zero targets that are in place we are seeing a change in that the drive to decarbonisation is going much wider and affecting all sectors.”

If you would like to watch the full programme, please do so here.

Here’s a short teaser of the discussions:

Key contact

Michael Barlow

Michael Barlow Partner

  • Head of Environment
  • Head of Water
  • Head of ESG

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