Showing 349-360 of 502 results

Recording disclosure (and getting it right first time)

Disclosure of documents in disputes and regulatory investigations is hugely time consuming and capable of giving rise to inefficiencies and costly errors. But getting it wrong can really hurt.
15 September 2014


Errors on CHAPS payment requests

The courts have been considering who is liable to a customer when CHAPS details are incorrectly entered in light of the Court of Appeal's decision in Tidal Energy Limited v Bank of Scotland.
10 September 2014

FRC and Mazars agree record settlement

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has agreed to its largest-ever out of tribunal settlement (£2m ) for disciplinary action brought against Mazars and one of its partners, Richard Karmel.
04 September 2014

The FCA changes its mind on why a broker is unfit but he is banned anyway

The FCA has been allowed to change the grounds on which it banned an insurance broker, after having had to accept that its original reasons were flawed.
01 September 2014


Financial Services Series - Issue 10

Last month the FCA published findings from its review of best execution and payment for order flow. We consider the key issues identified and the actions firms should be undertaking in light of it.
27 August 2014

High Court reminder that privilege can be lost due to iniquity

Privilege is a protection from having to hand over relevant documents which the law permits as an exception. It can be withdrawn where an attempt is made to abuse it for wrongful purposes.
22 August 2014

FCA's £8.4m fine highlights risks of outsourcing

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) fined an insurance firm £8.4 million this month for failing to treat customers fairly over the sales by outsourcing companies of accident insurance.
21 August 2014

Errors on CHAPS payment requests

The courts have been considering who, if anyone, is liable to a customer when CHAPS transfers go wrong.
21 August 2014


HSE wrong to issue a Prohibition Notice

We look at a recent case and explore how the HSE was wrong to issue a Prohibition Notice without first giving the recipient an opportunity to prove that safety was not at risk.
06 August 2014

Designs for retail store layouts may be capable of trade mark registration in Europe

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that it may be possible for a retail store layout to be registered as a trade mark.
14 July 2014


Planning and Infrastructure update

Recent announcements stress the Government’s commitment to encouraging infrastructure projects with the Infrastructure Bill intending to facilitate industry growth and international competitiveness.
14 July 2014


Parent Company Liability

A parent company can be liable for the health and safety breaches of its subsidiary. This article looks at when this duty arises and what factors you should be considering in order to manage the risk.
14 July 2014

The Burges Salmon blog

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