Showing 49-60 of 502 results

Press release

Burges Salmon boosts growth with record number of partner appointments

The firm announces the appointment of 10 new partners, across key growth areas including Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Private Wealth, Construction & Engineering and Projects
03 March 2022

When can similar fact evidence be relied upon?

A recent successful application by Burges Salmon’ dispute resolution team highlights factors considered by the English Courts when considering whether to allow similar fact evidence
31 January 2022

The Law Commission conducts a review of the Arbitration Act 1996

The Law Commission is reviewing the Arbitration Act 1996, the key legislation governing arbitrations in England and Wales
23 December 2021

COVID-19: Winding up petition restrictions to be replaced from 30 September 2021

The government has announced that the current restrictions on the presentation of winding up petitions would be replaced with more limited restrictions with effect from 1 October 2021
29 September 2021

Full disclosure: The impact of the Disclosure Pilot Scheme on lawyers and forensic technology experts

How the Disclosure Pilot Scheme, increase in data, and changes to technology have changed the roles of lawyers and forensic technology experts
20 September 2021


The End of the Road for SAAMCO?

The seminal SAAMCO principle has been re-stated and re-purposed by the Supreme Court
07 September 2021

Press release

Burges Salmon secures double shortlisting at STEP Private Client Awards

The firm’s Private Wealth team has been recognised in two categories at STEP’s 2021/22 industry awards
09 July 2021

The Business Banking Resolution Service – a new option for banks and their customers?

The BBRS provides a new platform for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to resolve complaints with their banks

13 April 2021

Press release

Burges Salmon sees further growth with partner appointments

The firm is pleased to announce the appointment of five new partners, across key growth areas including Banking and Finance, Dispute Resolution and Projects
30 March 2021

PPF re-certification: EU contingent assets

If you are re-certifying a contingent asset where the provider is EU domiciled, the PPF may require a new legal opinion from your EU lawyer
09 March 2021

Healthcare and The Brexit Trade Deal

In this article we highlight some of the key issues facing those operating in the healthcare sector as the UK and EU begin the next chapter of their trading relationship
24 February 2021

Trustee Conflict Comeuppance

Manton & Ors v Manton [2021] EWHC 125 (Ch) - Beneficiary trustees acting in conflict with the trust, do so at their peril
16 February 2021

The Burges Salmon blog

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