Showing 73-84 of 502 results

Where is the data? Data mapping in insolvency investigations

Tom Whittaker and Emily Scaife explain the importance of data mapping, whilst Steven Bain of FRP Advisory explains the role of the forensic technologists, in insolvency investigations
08 October 2020

Rectification of Pension Scheme Documentation: Has the Univar decision changed anything?

The first fully argued pensions rectification case since the much talked about decision of the Court of Appeal in FSHC v GLAS Trust, Univar is a landmark decision
03 September 2020

Construction contract execution during COVID-19 and beyond

Electronic signatures, data rooms, Mercury execution? Evolving working arrangements mean we should all double check exactly how to execute construction documents
01 September 2020

UK High Court rejects Land Rover’s appeal for registration of Defender shape marks

Court upheld UK IPO’s decision to refuse applications for majority of goods and services sought
24 August 2020

COVID-19 impact on construction disputes – our top tips for virtual proceedings

The pandemic has significantly changed how construction claims are dealt with. We look at the impact on adjudication, arbitration and litigation
14 August 2020

Alternative Dispute Resolution: benefits and use during (and after) the COVID-19 crisis

The impact of COVID-19 on separating families and the delays in the courts, has highlighted the benefits of ADR. We look at ADR options and how they work

17 July 2020

No-go for Nosecco following opposition by Prosecco

The UK High Court agreed with the UK Trade Mark Registry that a mark incorporating Nosecco was evocative of and deceptive in relation to the PDO for Prosecco
17 July 2020

UKIPO clarifies goodwill requirement for passing off in RECUP opposition appeal

Decision offers guidance on the amount of goodwill needed to support a passing-off claim in UK opposition proceedings
14 July 2020

Adjudication reinstated as a tool for liquidators following Supreme Court judgment

Liquidators welcome the Supreme Court judgment in Bresco v Lonsdale, which confirms that the right to refer disputes to Adjudication remains unfettered
09 July 2020

Important landowner success in Rees v Earl of Plymouth

Landlords’ rights of entry should be interpreted sensibly and in context - a significant decision supporting landlords’ rights of access on tenanted land
01 July 2020

Government publishes COVID-19 Code of Practice for Commercial Property Relationships

Key points from the new Code of Practice for the commercial property sector published by the government in response to COVID-19
22 June 2020

Artificial Intelligence and the Boardroom Risk

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to deliver huge economic rewards. In doing so, however, it creates a new risk profile for businesses to manage
19 June 2020

The Burges Salmon blog

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