Showing 217-228 of 502 results

Brexit: what next for the food and drink sector?

What does the referendum vote to withdraw from the EU mean for Food and Drink businesses, and what happens next?
24 June 2016

What next for Interest Rate Hedging Products and mis-selling?

Businesses which purchased interest rate hedging products (IRHPs) to protect themselves against the threat of interest rate rises are now arguing that the products were mis-sold.
15 June 2016


6 years in prison for reckless disregard of nut allergy

It has recently been reported that a curry house owner was convicted of gross negligence and sentenced to six years imprisonment after the death of a customer with a nut allergy kind.
01 June 2016


New corporate offences for failure to prevent facilitation of tax evasion

The Government has accelerated plans to introduce a new strict liability corporate offence for failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion in the UK and overseas.
18 May 2016

Third parties’ improved rights to claim against insurers

The Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010 (the 2010 Act) will finally come into force from 1 August 2016
10 May 2016

Policyholders gain the right to sue insurers for late payment of claims

The Enterprise Bill has now received Royal Assent and will come into force on 4 May 2017 as the Enterprise Act 2016.
06 May 2016


Cybercrime: a guide to recognition, prevention and protection

Commercial entities' reliance on IT exposes businesses to the risk of falling victim to cybercrime. This briefing sets out the key scams and how companies can make themselves less susceptible to them.
27 April 2016


Sweett victory: Lessons learned from Sweett Group’s Bribery Act conviction

The first company to be convicted of the “corporate offence” under Section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010 has now been sentenced. This article provides guidance as to the dos and don'ts around bribery.
23 March 2016


Method in the MADness: The new Market Abuse Regulation

The EU’s market abuse framework will shortly be overhauled as the Market Abuse Directive is repealed by the Market Abuse Regulation. This briefing summarises key changes to the market abuse regime.
26 February 2016

Method in the MADness: The new Market Abuse Regulation

The EU's market abuse framework will shortly be overhauled as the Market Abuse Directive is repealed by the Market Abuse Regulation. This briefing summarises key changes to the market abuse regime.
26 February 2016

Online traders and ODR

After a number of delays, the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform will be live for consumers and traders from Monday 15 February 2016.
10 February 2016


Testing Times: Criminal culpability in the Volkswagen emissions scandal

This briefing explores the criminal prosecutions that might be brought against Volkswagen and/or its officials under UK law, after admitting it falsified diesel-fuelled vehicle emissions readings.
29 January 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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