Showing 97-104 of 104 results


The Growth in Direct Power Purchase Agreements

With waning offers from electricity suppliers for long-term power purchase agreements, Fairley explores how renewables developers are looking at the concept of direct power purchase arrangements.
07 April 2014


Electricity Market Reform - update on contracts for difference

EMR has changed the electricity market. Fairley and Andrews comment on feed-in tariffs with Contracts for Difference, a core part of the government's renewables and non-fossil fuel strategy.
04 April 2014


Community ownership of energy projects ; the carrot and stick approach

The renewables industry needs to take heed of the government's Community Energy Strategy and prepare for policies that could have a dramatic effect on project developers in years to come.
10 March 2014


Food, Farming and Land Quarterly

The latest edition of Food, Farming and Land Quarterly, discussing current issues in the sector.
27 February 2014


Important developments on the allocation of financial support for UK Renewables projects

On 16 January, the Government published further details of how it intends to allocate Contracts for Difference to renewables technologies. We take a closer look at the developments.
30 January 2014


Solar panels now caught by WEEE regulatory regime

Solar PV panels are subject to European producer responsibility regime for the safe disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment.  We summarise the changes and effects on PV panel producers.
28 January 2014


Electricity Market Reform (EMR) ; Draft FiT CfD strike prices

The Department of Energy and Climate Change published details on Electricity Market Reform, including draft "strike prices" for the new Feed in Tariff Contracts for Difference for non-fossil fuels.
10 July 2013


Wind&WaveConnect - June 2013

Corporate structures for wind and marine renewables projects need to be carefully thought through by developers, not only financially and commercially, but also from a health and safety perspective.
14 June 2013
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