Showing 85-96 of 226 results

North Sea oil and gas: reaping the benefits of discipline?

This article explores the positive transformations made in the UK Continental Shelf in recent years while noting the need for renewed exploration and investment.
20 November 2018

Who is protected on insolvency: the environment or the creditors?

Recent decisions in Scotland consider the balance between environmental clean-ups and creditor claims. Are the English cases which prioritised the creditors ripe for revision?
13 November 2018

Increased burden for carbon reporting on large companies from 2019

An update on UK carbon reporting requirements after closure of the CRC Energy Efficiency scheme and inclusion of carbon reporting in directors’ reports at Companies House.
03 August 2018

Press release

Burges Salmon wins European Chemicals Agency appeal

Burges Salmon has successfully challenged a decision of the European Chemicals Agency, saving a chemical consortium hundreds of thousands of Euros.
16 July 2018

Court of Appeal holds landowner liable for spread of Japanese Knotweed

The Court of Appeal has upheld a damages claim despite no physical damage to property, on the grounds that spread of Japanese Knotweed to neighbouring land impacts amenity value of real estate.
06 July 2018

Water pollution regulation: new rules to prevent agricultural diffuse pollution

These regulations impose new rules on those in control of agricultural land with the aim of tackling pollution to inland and coastal waters.
17 May 2018

Brexit, chemicals and REACH: five issues to consider now

The chemical and manufacturing industries are still waiting for clear post-Brexit plans for UK chemicals regulation, with exit from REACH a particular concern
09 May 2018

Capacity Market Rules: proposed changes

This article summarises key proposed changes to the Capacity Market Rules and looks forward to the upcoming reviews of the Capacity Market by Ofgem and BEIS.

01 May 2018

Low carbon transport: renewable and development fuel opportunities in the UK

The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) was amended on 15 April 2018. Our briefing explains some of the main RTFO amendments and explores the opportunities they create.
17 April 2018

Environment Agency consultation on its enforcement and sanctions policy

The Environment Agency's consultation on updating its enforcement and sanctions policy documents closed on 15 January 2018.
08 March 2018

Environmental civil sanctions for offshore oil and gas

The government is proposing the introduction of civil sanctions for offshore oil and gas companies that breach environmental law.
23 January 2018

The 25 year environment plan: a blueprint for change

What does the government’s A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment mean for business?
15 January 2018

The Burges Salmon blog

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