Showing 37-48 of 160 results

A promise is a promise - lifetime agreement removes testamentary freedom

A promise to make a Will favouring children of a deceased’s first marriage has been held by the court to create a binding obligation, removing the deceased’s testamentary freedom
25 July 2023

The family business – the business of family. Legal risks when separating couples also work together.

This article considers some of the key legal risks when separating couples also work together in a business, with a focus on the employment and family law considerations
23 June 2023

Transparency in the Family Courts

This article considers the Transparency Implementation Group’s Report on transparency in the Financial Remedies Court
22 June 2023

What is my domicile and why does it matter?

Domicile is fundamental to tax and succession law. However, it is currently a key political talking point and is likely to face significant reform.
04 May 2023

10 Years of ATED – A brief retrospective and notes for the future

This article provides a consideration of the main aspects of ATED since it was introduced in 2013 as well as a few points worth noting regarding the future of the charge
04 April 2023

Case update: Jeremy Coller v HMRC TC 8738

Jeremy Coller v HMRC TC 8738 is the latest case to test domicile in the First-Tier Tribunal
17 March 2023

Transparency in the Family Courts

This article looks at the effect of a new pilot scheme to allow accredited journalists to report on cases in the Leeds, Carlisle and Cardiff Family Courts
13 March 2023

The not so artful dodger: art dealer ordered to draw maximum pension sums to pay creditors

The Court of Appeal in Bacci v Green orders a debtor to delegate authority to waive valuable tax protection and draw pension to satisfy a judgment debt
28 February 2023

Supporting clients through their philanthropy lifecycle

From identifying a client’s values and devising a strong strategy to troubleshooting problems, our role as lawyers is to provide a holistic service.

20 January 2023

Press release

Burges Salmon launches new guide 'Turning good into great: Insights into effective philanthropy'

The firm launches a new guide to help clients begin their philanthropy journey by highlighting the key issues and challenges faced by philanthropists

14 December 2022

Fraudulent calumny and poisoning a testator’s mind

The court has set aside a Will because the testator’s mind had been poisoned against one child in favour of another
02 November 2022

Trustees’ Rights of Indemnity: Who Takes Priority?

This article considers the Privy Council’s landmark decision on successive trustees’ rights of indemnity over “insolvent” trusts
25 October 2022
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