Showing 49-60 of 144 results

How can businesses prepare for the new points-based immigration system?

The new points-based immigration system which will apply from 1 January 2021 presents opportunities as well as challenges. Businesses keen to get ahead are advised to take steps now to prepare

27 February 2020

Breaking down barriers to Modern Methods of Construction - Intellectual Property Rights

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is changing the delivery of construction projects. Intellectual Property - is it a barrier to collaboration and scalability of MMC?

25 February 2020

Competition law: Spotlight on the construction sector

In 2019 the CMA secured many director disqualifications and issued £43m in fines for competition breaches in the construction sector. We summarise key cases in 2019 and what to look out for in 2020
24 January 2020

Contract execution: past, present and future

Smart contracts could revolutionise aspects of the construction industry. However, a recent case highlights some of the hurdles to overcome before the UKJT’s digital vision can be fully realised
23 December 2019

Press release

Burges Salmon partners with Constructing Excellence ahead of 2020 Annual Conference

Burges Salmon is a strategic partner for the 2020 Constructing Excellence Annual Conference, taking place on 15 January in London

16 December 2019

Collateral warranties: How long is your liability in Scotland?

We comment on the recent Court of Session (Inner House) decision on limitation periods under a collateral warranty in Scotland. The Scottish position once again reflects the position in England
13 November 2019

Air quality - a deciding factor in determination of housing developments

Local planning authorities may need to take air quality into account when taking decisions. Developers should properly consider air quality in their proposals and offer effective mitigation if needed
21 October 2019

Herons Court v Heronslea Ltd and Zagora Management v Zurich: Approved Inspector liability

The extent to which Approved Inspectors are held responsible for defective buildings has been the topic of two recent TCC judgments

07 August 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 2: N to Z

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
28 May 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 1: A to M

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
14 May 2019

Industrial Warehousing and Logistics - procuring the warehouse of the future

This article comments on construction issues in the demolition phase and considers how technological advances and changes in construction methods are reshaping how industrial assets are procured
08 May 2019

Optimising The Procurement Process For Authorities and Utilities

Burges Salmon, has supported the Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA), in publishing its guide recommending how to make procurement processes more effective and efficient.
10 April 2019

The Burges Salmon blog

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