Showing 109-120 of 155 results

Permission in principle for brownfield sites: what are the key points?

Government guidance on permissions in principle for brownfield sites was published on 28 July and further guidance on 10 October. We look at the key points for local authorities and developers.
24 October 2017

Town or village green applications: how many times can a defective application be amended?

Village green applications pose catastrophic risk to development sites. The courts have recently ruled that applicants can repeatedly correct defective applications well past the application deadline.
17 October 2017

How does the government propose to plan for the right homes in the right places?

The 'Planning for the right homes in the right places' consultation closes on 9 November. Here are the headlines for developers, landowners and local authorities.
17 October 2017

Planning enforcement action: are stricter controls being imposed?

If planning permission is not obtained (intentionally or as an oversight), the local planning authority can take enforcement action. The most commonly used power is a planning enforcement notice.
10 October 2017

Viability assessments and benchmark land values

The Planning Inspectorate has considered the correct approach to determining benchmark land values for viability assessments.
15 September 2017

Special protection for retail premises in London?

Over the last year, there has been a noticeable change in the protection offered to retail premises in London. We provide a summary of the key changes to the planning regime and their impact.
03 August 2017

Presumption in favour of sustainable development clarified by Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal reviewed the application of paragraph 14 of the NPPF and the presumption in favour of sustainable development. The decision significantly limits the application of the presumption.
26 July 2017


UK infrastructure delivery: an interview with Liz Dunn, Burges Salmon

A video interview with Burges Salmon's Liz Dunn on how we can improve the delivery of UK infrastructure. Topics include: the role of planning and three key areas for improvement.
18 July 2017

General election 2017 – implications for planning law

What are the implications for planning and development following the general election? Which manifesto pledges are likely to dominate in the coming months and beyond?
27 June 2017

New Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations – what are the key changes?

The new EIA Regulations are due to come into force on 16 May 2017. This article explores the amendments and highlights the steps developers and local authorities will need to take in order to comply.
03 May 2017

Press release

Burges Salmon shortlisted as Planning Law Firm of the Year at Planning Awards 2017

Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony taking place on 21 June 2017 at Savoy Place in London.
04 April 2017

Renewable energy on farms

Renewable energy projects on farms have become increasingly popular. However, recent changes to planning mechanisms are limiting what farmers and landowners can do.
20 March 2017

The Burges Salmon blog

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