Showing 25-36 of 36 results


ICO issues further guidance on roles of data controller and data processor

The ICO has issued guidance for organisations as to when they will be a data controller or a data processor, clarifying confusion over the roles and compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
03 June 2014


Fit for the internet age? European parliament votes through connected continent package

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the “Connected Continent” package designed to harmonise the EU telecoms market and promote a single telecoms market. 
16 May 2014

Bare essentials for internet security: government advice for businesses

Companies, charities and not-for-profit organisations will be able to certify that their internet security measures are fit for purpose using a new government accreditation scheme.
09 May 2014


Electronic databases and liens

In the recent case of Your Response Ltd v Datateam Business Media Ltd the Court of Appeal held that it was not possible to exercise a lien over an electronic database.
31 March 2014


Playing fairly: the OFTs Principles for online and app-based games

The OFT has published finalised Principles for online and app-based games, addressing concerns that unfair industry-wide practices are being employed against consumers, and children in particular.
17 March 2014

ICO updates privacy impact assessment code

The ICO has recently published its updated privacy impact assessments code of practice. It offers some tips on measures that can be taken to reduce privacy risk.
27 February 2014


New consumer rights to impact suppliers of digital content

The Consumer Rights Bill sets out a framework that consolidates key consumer rights contracts for goods and services, unfair terms, rights and remedies in relation to the quality of digital content.
13 February 2014

ICO to focus resources on investigating repeat or serious data protection breaches

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is consulting on a new approach to how it manages data protection complaints. Our Data Protection team take a closer look at the proposed changes.
13 January 2014

New guidance from ICO on privacy in app design

The ICO has recently published guidance for app developers setting out expectations under the Data Protection Act. 
10 January 2014

Copyright protection for computer software - Court of Appeal holds firm

In SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd, the Court of Appeal recently dismissed an appeal by SAS concerning the extent to which copyright protection can be granted to computer software.
26 November 2013

Employee losing own camera causes data protection breach

Following a data breach by the Royal Veterinary College, the ICO's office have again warned organisations of the importance of updating data protection policies to account for Bring Your Own Device.
17 October 2013

The ICO explains encryption and the options available

The ICO has written a short blog post on how encryption of personal data works and some of the available encryption options.
26 September 2013
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