Showing 37-48 of 123 results

Low Carbon Heat: The closure of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme

BEIS published its consultation on the closure of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme. This article explores some of the key consultation proposals
26 May 2020

Highly Automated Road Passenger Services: Law Commissions analyse consultation responses

Widespread support points to the eventual creation of a new regulated mode of public transport by automated vehicles in the concept of HARPS
21 May 2020

Governance and duties in the time of COVID-19

When faced with financial difficulty, directors face additional duties and responsibilities. This article outlines the key considerations and practical points for directors to consider
23 March 2020

Investing in the UK's telecoms networks: Ofcom's plans to encourage investment

Ofcom recently published its consultation on plans to encourage investment in fibre networks.

13 February 2020

Law Commissions publish responses to automated vehicles consultation

The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission have now published responses to their consultation on self-driving vehicles
05 July 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 2: N to Z

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
28 May 2019

The NIC's challenge for green warehousing and logistics

We assess the scale of green ambition in the National Infrastructure Commission’s report on cleaner logistics and warehousing

17 May 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 1: A to M

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
14 May 2019

Industrial Warehousing and Logistics - procuring the warehouse of the future

This article comments on construction issues in the demolition phase and considers how technological advances and changes in construction methods are reshaping how industrial assets are procured
08 May 2019

The Charging Infrastructure Investment Fund and Low Carbon Transport

This briefing aims to give developers, investors and funders an idea of some of the key legal areas to focus on when looking at investment in charging infrastructure and electric vehicle projects.
20 March 2019

Funding the UK’s infrastructure ambitions in a ‘post-PFI’ world

Many projects in the UK Infrastructure and Projects Authority's pipeline are dependent on private finance. In the absence of PFI/PF2, what other funding structures will help ensure delivery?
08 February 2019

CMA fines Heathrow £1.6m for anti-competitive restrictive covenant on car park prices

Businesses take note: covenants and other restrictions on property use can constitute competition law infringements leading to substantial penalties even if not enforced
30 November 2018
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