
Paula is a director in the planning and compulsory purchase team. She is an experienced planning, highways and CPO lawyer who was in local government prior to joining Burges Salmon in 2014.

Paula’s experience includes advising on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) including drafting and advising on development consent orders; consenting for offshore generating stations (wind and tidal) and connected onshore facilities; advising on highways powers and the construction of new roads and advising on habitats and environmental impact assessment regulations and the adequacy of assessments.

Paula acts as an advisor to local authorities on the extent of their powers and duties, the interpretation of the limits of discretion and on their internal governance procedures. Paula has also advised on the local government law aspects of inter-authority agreements and the interaction of such arrangements with the roles of s151 and monitoring officers of the participating councils.

Paula is also a Prince2® Practitioner. 

  • Advising the Isle of Anglesey County Council in relation to the NSIP new nuclear power station at Wylfa.
  • Acting for Highways England on NSIP application as part of RIS1.
  • Advising Seagreen on S36 consents for two offshore windfarms.
  • Advising MeyGen on a 86MW tidal project.
  • Acting for Snowdonia Pumped Hydro on 99.9MW pumped storage NSIP.

What others say...

Paula McGeady is very hard-working and focused and reacts to clients’ issues quickly.
Legal 500 2020